We are pleased to present our Sustainability Report 2018, our eighth annual sustainability report detailing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. As in our previous reports, we have followed the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) principles for defining content and quality and have prepared the report in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. The GRI content index can be found within the Appendix at the end of this report.

Sustainability at StarHub

For StarHub, sustainability means using our core strengths as a Group to help spread the benefits of our ICT solutions in Singapore, while strengthening our business and upholding the highest standards of responsible conduct.

With the roll-out of our strategic transformation plan in 2018, which includes our operational efficiency programme and the associated internal re-organisation, our approach to sustainability and ESG performance has also evolved to align with our key business objectives and our material sustainability risks and opportunities. Our 13 sustainability material topics in 2018 have remained unchanged from last year. These have been identified following a comprehensive materiality assessment, including extensive engagement with our internal stakeholders and senior management.

Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our 13 Materiality Topics and five sustainability targets are mapped to the global UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We hope to help create a better world in which our business can grow while being able to assist people to improve their lives through learning.

We aim to contribute to addressing these global issues on a local scale in Singapore. For StarHub, operating responsibly is an important first step in supporting the global UN SDGs. Beyond that, we have identified eight SDGs where we believe we have an opportunity to make the biggest impact through our business practices, products and services, programmes, as well as partnerships, by addressing growing inequality, high youth unemployment, market disruption caused by technology and artificial intelligence, and pressure on our natural resources.

Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsibile Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Partnerships for the Goals

Addressing Environmental Challenges
At StarHub, we are conscious of the need to understand and minimise our environmental impact as we continue to enhance our competitiveness and expand our business and network infrastructure. We focus on monitoring and managing our energy consumption, greenhouse gas

emissions and e-waste. We also strive to motivate employees, customers and communities to respect the environment and encourage them to apply the same values in their personal lives. Our Corporate Sustainability Advocate works with cross-functional representatives to implement various environmental initiatives.

Our Environmental Strategy
Implementing E-Waste Programmes

Tackling e-waste through reduction, recycling and reuse

Addressing Climate Change and Other Environmental Challenges

Striving for energy-efficient operations and adopting energy-efficient technologies, while consistently monitoring and implementing initiatives to reduce energy consumption and resource use

Environmental Stewardship

Innovative paths to reducing carbon footprint, raising awareness and promoting action by employees and others.


Investing in our People
Supporting our employees and developing their skills for both current and future roles is fundamental to our long-term business success. Similarly, ensuring their welfare, well-being and safety while at work is essential to StarHub’s operations. We constantly review and improve our HR practices to ensure StarHub has a strong corporate culture to drive individual as well as Group success.

Investing in Our Community
The rapid growth of digital technologies in the workplace has enhanced productivity for many companies. However, the increased use of technology has led to a sharp reduction in the number of traditional semi-skilled and back-office jobs. As a result, unemployment can generate a range of serious social and economic challenges for communities.


Improving Customer Experience
Our business depends on building strong, long-lasting relationships with a variety of customers that expect the best from our services and solutions. We use a wide range of methods to gather feedback from customers, and ensure we are meeting their expectations. We also innovate within our core businesses to provide solutions and empower people to manage every aspect of their own lives in a smarter way through networks and improved connectivity.

Being a Responsible Business
Acting responsibly is integral to business performance. Strong governance is paramount. As our business relies on a large supply chain spanning over 1,000 companies, we look beyond our own operations and seek to ensure the safety, well-being and ethical treatment of all who work with StarHub in any capacity, anywhere in the world.